Who am I (for Georgian users)

Who am I?

I have grown between two nations, my father’s country (Germany) and my mother’s country (Italy). My childhood between two nations and two cultures had been the playground that fostered my interest in other cultures, in international work.

Thus, after my studies, I worked for more than 30 years for development projects worldwide in the area of vocational training for young people and start-up.

During my work, I was accompanying different kind of people in different cultures to find ways for a better future, to strengthen courage and to develop their capacity of problem solving. As this has a lot to do with personal development, I finally became more interested in psychology, creativity and communication processes.

I started to write professional guidebooks and to give creativity workshops for organisations.

The interest in psychology and personal development motivated me to develop other competencies.  I got inspired by various systems of creative thinking and living (according to the teachings of Edwardo de Bono, Daniel Goleman and Julia Cameron) and I attended training courses in non-violent communication (according to Marshal Rosenberg).

Alongside, I developed my artistic nature by trainings in dance theater as a means to express oneself and by drawing courses at the European Academy of Arts at Trier.

As an author, I have published about 10 books, professional guidebooks, novels and non-fiction books about creativity, personal development and a different view on ageing.

One of my books is also translated into Georgian.



Today I am living in Tbilisi and I am happy to offer training and coaching.

My way through spirituality

I learnt by my work that true development starts within a person. Whatever you bring to a person from outside, only fosters what is inside of a person, it can never replace it or create it from the scratch. This connected my professional life to my personal beliefs about the importance of personal development that includes spiritual consciousness.

I had already started to practice meditation when I was a student, at a time when the interest in spiritual development had not yet been spread in Europe. Nowadays, more and more people get conscious that spirituality deepens and enriches their life. Since then, though more than 40 years,  I got more and more familiar with various ways and areas of spirituality, be it dream analysis, intuition, ways of self-healing (EFT tapping, meditation, precious stones), animal communication or remote connecting. I am certified as a spiritual coach.